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​​​​​​​​​​​​SCHEDULE AS OF JuLY​ ​2024 (subject to change)

For the tours - a​ttendees will be broken into pre-assigned groups. ​​Be sure to bring your walking shoes and umbrellas. If anyone requires special accommodations​​, please reach out to Carly Reid at

All events will take place at the Hotel Indigo, unless otherwise noted below. The meeting space is on the third floor of the hotel.


 Monday, July 15
2 - 4:30​​​ pmRegistration​Orpheum Ballroom Prefunction
 3 – 4:30 pm​
Opening General Session

Jeevan D'Mello, CMCA, AMS, LSM, PCAM​​​​ and Tom Skiba, CAE

Platinum Sponsor Presentation
The Miller Law Firm

Platinum Sponsor Presentation

Workshop Goals/Meeting Expectations​
Matt Dorsch​, CMCA, AMS, PCAM, and Airielle Hansford, ​​CMCA, AMS, PCAM

Host Community ​Presentations
Christine Borland​​, CMCA, Cristian Radu​​ ​and ​​Esmeralda Rubio​
Orpheum Ballr​oom​​​
 4:30 – 6 pm​
Welcome ​Reception and Sponsor Meet and Greet*
Sponsored by​ First Citizens Bank, Kevin Davis Insurance Services,​ Platinum Security, Scott Litman Insurance Agency Inc. and Township Building Services​​

*Attendees, Presenters, Platinum, Gold and Welcome Reception Sponsors​
Grand Staircase
Tuesday, July 167:30 am – 5 pm
Orpheum Prefunction
 7:30 – 9 am
Breakfast and Platinum and Gold ​Sponsor Networking TradeshowBreakfast set in Grand Staircase and group will eat in Orpheum Ballroom
 9 – 10 am
Platinum Sponsor Presentation

General Session​
From Foundation to Façade: High-Rise Structural Integrity and Building Safety
Sandra L. ​Gottlieb, Esq., a CCAL fellow and Abran Gonzalez
Orpheum Ballroom

10 – 11:30 am
Group splits into two separate groups

Group 1 (Owl stickers) – Tour of  Metropolis Master Assn

Group 2 (Dog stickers) – Tour of Metropolis II Condo Assn

Groups return to the hotel between 11:30 and 11:45am​
11:30am – 1 pm

Lunch will be served from Noon to 1pm

Lunch set in Grand Staircase and group will eat in Orpheum Ballroom

​1  - 2:15pm
​Group splits into two separate groups

Group 1 (Owl stickers) – Tour of  Metropolis II Condo Assn

Group 2 (Dog stickers) – Tour of Metropolis Master Assn

Groups return to the hotel at 2:15pm to begin session on time at 2:30pm​
 2:30 - 3:30pm
Platinum Sponsor Presentation
Association Reserves

General Session 
Elevating Hospitality: How to Exceed Residents’ Expectations
Kevan White

Orpheum Ballroom
 3:30 - 4pm
Networking Break
Orpheum Prefunction
4 - 5pm​
Platinum Sponsor Presentation
First Citizens Bank

General Session 
The Big Three: What to Expect from a High-Rise Reserve Study
Robert Nordlund, PE, RS
​Orpheum Ballroom
​6:30 - 7:30 pm

7:30 - 9:30pm


Sponsored by Bear Flag Waterproofing and Restoration, CM Squared, Guard-Systems Inc. and Scott Litman Insurance Agency Inc.​

Hotel Figueroa is within​ walking walking distance (a few blocks) of Hotel Indigo

*Attendees, Platinum, Gold and Tuesday Evening Event Sponsors​​
​Hotel Figueroa
Wednesday, July 177:30 am – 5:30 pmRegistration
Orpheum Ballroom 
 7:30 – 9 amBreakfast and Platinum and Gold ​Sponsor Networking Tradeshow​Breakfast set in Grand Staircase and group will eat in Orpheum Ballroom
 9 – 10 amPlatinum Sponsor Presentation
SmartStreet powered by BANC of California

General Session
Predictive Maintenance: How Artificial Intelligence Can Keep Your Critical Infrastructure Running​
Richard J. Arena, CMCA
Orpheum Ballroom
 10 - 11:30am

Group 1 (Owl stickers) – Tour of  Sky Community Association then group returns to hotel at 11:30am

Group 2 (Dog stickers) - Breakout Session
(start 10:15am)
Efficient Envelope: High-Rise Investigations and Repair Strategies    Toby White

Orpheum Ballroom

11:30am – 1 pm​Lunch will be served from Noon to 1pm
Lunch set in Grand Staircase and group will eat in Orpheum Ballroom
1 – 2:30 pm​
Group 1 (Owl stickers) - Repeat Breakout Session ​​(start 1:15pm)
Efficient Envelope: High-Rise Investigations and Repair Strategies
Toby White

Group 2 (Dog stickers​) ​- Tour of Sky Community Association then group​ returns to the hotel at 2:30pm
Orpheum Ballroom


​2:30 - 2:45pm
Networking ​Break
Orpheum Ballroom 

​2:45 - 3:45 pm

Platinum Sponsor Presentation
Valcourt Group

General Session 
High and Hard: Insuring Large Properties in a Hard Insurance Market
Charlotte Allen, CIRMS
Orpheum Ballroom

​3:45​ - 4 pm

​Networking ​Break
​Orpheum Ballroom 

​4 - 5 pm

​General Session
Advocacy Is Everyone's Business: Grassroots Outreach, Legislation, and Your Role
Matt D. Ober, Esq.,​ a CCAL fellow and Phoebe Neseth, Esq.
​Orpheum Ballroom
​5 - 5:30 pm​
Final Remarks
Tom Skiba, CAE​
Orpheum Ballroom​​