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Sponsorship Opportunities, Registration & Schedule



CAI sponsor ​contact

Carly Reid
Direcitor of Programs and Exhibitor Relations
703 868 8704 cell

Platinum Sponsorship | $5,000 SOLD-OUT!

  • 6' Table in sponsor area (Mon/Tue/Wed – First Come, First Serve)
  • Two (2) registrations with access to the Welcome Reception, breakfasts, lunches, education sessions, community tours and Tuesday Night Event
  • Five-minute company intro (with video, if desired) during a GS or lunch​
  • Opportunity to provide one marketing piece to be distributed at registration (75 count). Bring to registration ONSITE
  • Company logo recognition on screen during breakfasts
  • Company logo recognition via onsite signage
  • Company logo and URL on event website
  • Company recognition via event digital and marketing communications
  • List of all attendees (before and the final list after)


Gold Sponsorship | $3,000 SOLD-OUT!

  • 6' Table in sponsor area (Mon/Tue/Wed – First Come, First Serve)
  • One (1) registration with access to the Welcome Reception, breakfasts, lunches, education sessions ​and Tuesday Night Event*
  • Opportunity to provide one marketing piece to be distributed at registration (75 count). Bring to registration ONSITE
  • Company logo recognition on screen during breakfasts
  • Company logo recognition via onsite signage
  • Company logo and URL on event website
  • Company recognition via event digital and marketing communications
  • List of all attendees (before and the final list after)
    *Does not include community tours

Monday Welcome Reception Sponsorship | $2,000 SOLD-OUT!

  • Two (2) registrations with access to the reception only*
  • Company logo recognition via onsite signage at reception
  • Company logo and URL on event website
  • Company recognition via event digital and marketing communications
  • Opportunity to provide one marketing piece to be distributed at reception (75 count). Bring to Registration ONSITE
  • List of all attendees (before the event and the final list after)

    ​*Does not include table or registration to workshop​​​​

Tuesday Evening Event Sponsorship | ​$2,000 ​

  • Two (2) registrations with access to the evening event only*
  • Company logo recognition via onsite signage at event
  • Company logo and URL on event website
  • Company recognition via event digital and marketing communications
  • Opportunity to provide one marketing piece to be distributed at evening event (75 count). Bring to evening event​​
  • List of all attendees (before the event and the final list after)

    *Does not include table or registration to workshop 

Sponsored eBlast | $850 

One dedicated email sent to event attendees to showcase your company's product and/or services and set up meetings or follow up with attendees.

  • eBlast (Scheduled on a first come, first served reservation basis)
  • CAI will provide specs and guidelines
  • eBlast due: July 1


Swag Giveaway Item | $500
Have a fun branded item you would like to see in attendee hands? A fun tote-bag? Cool sunglasses?

  • 75 count
  • Bring to registration onsite ​


  • Platinum Sponsors: Two (2) registrations with access to the Welcome Reception, breakfasts and lunches, education sessions, community tours and Tuesday Night Event
  • Gold Sponsors: One (1) registration with access to the Welcome R​eception, breakfasts and lunches, education sessions ​and Tuesday Night Event
  • Monday Welcome Reception Sponsors: Two (2) registrations with access to the r​eception only
  • Tuesday Evening Event Sponsors: Two (2) registrations with a​ccess to the evening event only​
Monday, July 15
​11am - 2pm
Platinum and Gold Sponsor Registration and table selection (first-come/first-serve)
​Hotel Indigo

​3 - 4:30pm
What to Expect
Workshop Goals
Host Community Presentations
Platinum and Gold Sponsors only
​​Hotel Indigo

​4:30 - 6pm
​​Welcome Reception and Sponsor Meet and Greet
Platinum, Gold and Welcome Reception Sponsors​ only

Welcome Reception sponsors can pick-up their badges at registration ​​by 4:30pm​​
Hotel Indigo
Tuesday, July 16
​7:30 - 9am
​Breakfast and Networking Tradeshow Hours
Platinum and Gold Sponsors only

​Hotel Indigo

​9 - 10am 

​General Session
Platinum and Gold Sponsors only
​Hotel Indigo

​10 - 11:30am
​​Community Tour of Metropolis Master Assn OR Metropolis II Condo Assn
Platinum Sponsors only. Sponsors can decide which group to join onsite

Gold Sponsors have this time-slot free

​11:30am - 1pm​

​Groups return to the hotel
Lunch served from Noon to 1pm
Platinum and Gold Sponsors only
​Hotel Indigo

​1 - 2:30pm

​​​Community Tour of Metropolis Master Assn OR Metropolis II Condo Assn
Platinum Sponsors only. Sponsors can decide which group to join onsite

Gold Sponsors have this time-slot free​

​2:30 - 3:30pm

​General Session
Platinum and Gold Sponsors only
​Hotel Indigo

​3:30 - 4pm

​​Networking Break
Platinum and Gold Sponsors only
​Hotel Indigo

​4 - 5pm

​General Session
Platinum and Gold Sponsors only
​Hotel Indigo

​6:30 - 7:30pm

7:30 - 9:30pm



PlatinumGold and Tuesday Event Sponsors​ only

Tuesday Event sponsors can pick-up their badges the dinner
​Hotel Figueroa
​​Wednesday, July 17
​7:30 - 9am
​Breakfast and Networking Tradeshow Hours
Platinum and Gold Sponsors only
​Hotel Indigo

​9 - 10am

​General Session
Platinum and Gold Sponsors only

​Hotel Indigo

​10 - 11:30am
​Group 1 – Tour of  Sky Community Association then returns to hotel

​Group 2 - Break​​​​out Session 

Platinum Sponsors only for the tour. Sponsors can select tour time onsite

Gold Sponsors will remain with ​the education session group


Hotel Indig0

​11:30am - 1pm

​​Group return to the hotel
Lunch served from Noon to 1pm
Platinum and Gold Sponsors only
​Hotel Indigo

​1 - 2:30pm

​Group 1 - Repeat Breakout Session ​​

Group 2 - Tour of Sky Community Association then returns to the hotel

Platinum Sponsors only for the tour. Sponsors can select tour time onsite

Gold Sponsors will remain with ​the education session group
​Hotel Indigo


​2:30 - 2:45pm
​​​​Networking Break
Platinum and Gold Sponsors only
​Hotel Indigo
​2:45 - 3:45pm

​General Session
Platinum and Gold Sponsors only
​Hotel Indigo

​3:45​ - 4pm

​Networking Break
Platinum and Gold Sponsors only
​Hotel Indigo

​4 - 5pm

​General Session
Platinum and Gold Sponsors only
​Hotel Indigo

​5 - 5:30pm
​Final Remarks
​​Hotel Indigo


​There are two primary scams in the association industry from fake third parties.

  1. ​Room Reservations: CAI works directly with the workshop hotel to create an online reservations link with the CAI discounted rate. ​CAI does not work with a third party compa​ny to book rooms. ​If you receive an email and it is not from CAI, please delete the email

  2. Purchase Attendee List:  ​Attendees and Exhibitors receive solicitations to purcha​se attendees lists for our events. CAI does not sell our attendee list. Delete this email, it's a SCAM.​​ CAI will provide a list of attendees to all paid exhibitors and/or sponsors


Eligibility: Sponsoring companies will be limited to those providing services, products or publications that are directly applicable to managers of community associations, homeowner leaders in community associations and business partners that service community associations.

Terms and Policies: Full payment must be received before CAI holds a table. CAI reserves the right to refuse any sponsorship application or to cancel any prepaid sponsor registration it deems appropriate to avoid conflicts of interest.

All payments will be refunded if notification of cancellation is received in writing by May 1, 2024. No refunds will be made after May 1, 2024. Email cancellation requests to

​Failure to Occupy Space: Space not occupied by the close of the installation period will be forfeited, and space may be resold, reassigned or used by CAI. No refunds will be made for failure to occupy space.

Private Party Policy: All hospitality suites and hosted events must be reserved, approved and paid for through CAI. Hospitality Suites/hosted events are not permitted during official Workshop activities. Non-sponsoring companies are not permitted to host events at the official hotel during the Workshop.

CAI Suitcasing Policy: ​CAI has a no-tolerance policy regarding “suitcasing," which describes the practice by nonsponsoring companies and/or individuals of soliciting sales or sales leads in Workshop hotel, in the hotel lobby and/or representing their services or soliciting Workshop participants for conflicting social activities and wearing company logo wear in the hotel. 

​Nonsponsoring business partners participating in the Workshop as attendees and/or speakers are prohibited from soliciting business on the Workshop.

​Violators of these policies will be ejected from the show and charged the Gold sponsorship rate ($3,000), which must be paid prior to registering as an attendee, exhibitor, or sponsor at any future CAI conference or other event. In addition, CAI will have the hotel ca​ncel the illegal function at violator's expense.​

​Consent to Use of Photographic Images: 
Registration and attendance at, or participation in, this Workshop constitutes an agreement by the registrant to CAI's use and distribution (both now and in the future) of the registrant or attendee's image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions and audiotapes.

Anti-Harrassment Policy​: 
In order to provide all participants at events, including members and other attendees, speakers, exhibitors, sponsors, employees, and volunteers, the opportunity to interact professionally and benefit from the event, CAI is committed to providing a safe and productive environment free of discrimination, hostility, harassment, and retaliation based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, or any other characteristic protected by law. CAI has a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination, harassment, and retaliation and is committed to enforcing this policy at all CAI events. Visit for the full policy.​​

​CAIs Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Statement: 
​​​Adopted by CAI Board of Trustees on August 18, 2021​​
Community Associations Institute is committed to making diversity, equity, and inclusion a core aspect in our membership, on our staffs, and within the community association housing model at large. We firmly believe in the unique strengths of every individual and that diversity makes organizations more successful and communities more fulfilling. By actively cultivating diversity, we benefit from a vastly richer mix of ideas, perspectives, and life experiences that expand our thinking and our possibilities. We strive to foster a culture of discovery, innovation, and service as we continue to focus on our mission to build better communities.​​Please visit the Diverse Communities​ page for additional resources.