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Ambassador Program FAQ


​​​​​​​What is CAI’s Advocacy Ambassador Program and how can I lend my voice and support to this important initiative?

In 2023, more than 87,000​​ CAI advocates emailed or called their legislators using our advocacy platform, impacting more than 50 pieces of legislation to make sure they supported community associations. Become an Advocacy Ambassador! Ambassadors will recruit, organize,​ and motivate other advocates. If an advocacy issue arises in your area, you will be called upon to help get the word out so that CAI has a stronger voice with legislators.

Why should I become a CAI Advocacy Ambassador?

CAI Ambassadors are the boots-on-the-ground activism coordinators. If you’re passionate about local communities and neighborhoods, if you want to make your community a better place for the residents, or you want to be involved in local legislation.


Yes! ​​​​As CAI's advoacy leaders who speak on behalf of all CAI members, CAI Ambassadors must hold an active CAI membership.​ Learn more about the benefits of CAI membership & join today.

What type of ambassadorship is right for me? 

​Whether you work in the community association industry or are just passionate about your community association, we need individuals committed to the CAI values. Anyone can be a Homeowner Leader Ambassador or a District Ambassador. We have special Ambassadorships for real estate agents, brokers, community association managers, and management companies. 

Can I become more than one type of ambassador? 

Absolutely! If you fit into more than one category of Ambassador, please sign up for both and we may call on you for projects with special circumstances.  

​​​What is the expected time commitment? 

We know that quality of time is more important than the quantity of time. In addition, many of the issues that affect our homes and businesses ebb and flow for a variety of reasons like the state legislative calendars, seasonality, and current events. Because of that, the time commitment may vary, and we will never say no to a bigger commitment of your time. However, on average, our Ambassadors spend about 90 minutes a week on issues important to their friends and neighbors. 
You’d be surprised the impact one hour a week can have!

​What will I do as a CAI Ambassador?

The short answer? What you already do! If you are passionate about community associations and the issues that are important to them, you’re probably already involved in the specific issues of your community. However, each type of Ambassador may be charged with specific activities. Real Estate Agents, Brokers, Community Association Managers are generally in charge of coordinating communities they work with, and Homeowner Leaders and District Ambassadors are mostly engaged with the communities they live in. 

How do I engage my fellow CAI members in grassroots initiatives?

It’s as easy as it gets. CAI gives you the tools and resources to engage members and advocates. We rely on issue champions to do what you do best: engage others. When issues arise, we need you to act as a touchstone between CAI, legislators, and constituents, emailing, calling, and campaigning door-to-door (when safe). Every plan of action will look different, but our network of Ambassadors excels in communication and advocacy. 

What is the difference between being an Ambassador and an Advocate? ​

Joining our Advocate Network is the first step to becoming an active proponent of CAI’s issues and goals. You’ll get emails and our calls to action for legislation we are involved in. If you’re looking to become more involved, become a CAI Ambassador to help determine which priorities are most impactful for your community. 

​Meet the ambassadors​:

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Are you an Ambassador and want to be featured on the CAI website and/or social media? Click here to visit our Testimonial Portal! ​

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